Banyak sekali hewan didunia ini, contohnya monyet. Monyet dapat kita jumpai di berbagai wilayah Indonesia. Monyet dapat digolongkan kedalam keluarga sipanse dan gorilla. Monyet suka memakan pisang. Monyet adalah mamalia. Monyet adalah herbovora.
Monyet memiliki bentuk tubuh seperti manusia. Seperti halnya manusia, monyet juga bisa berjalan dengan menggunakan kedua kakinya. Beda manusia dengan monyet adalah, manusia dapat berfikir sebelum berbuat, namun monyet “monkey see, monkey do”. Monyet lebih suka meniru perilaku temannya.
Monkey is clever animals, karena mereka hewan yang mudah diatur, sehingga monyet dapat dijadikan sebagai hiburan, seperti topeng monyet dan sirkus. Banyak anak kecil yang suka dengannya, karena tingkah lakunya, namun ada juga anak kecil yang takut dengannya.
Selain monyet hewan yang pintar, monyet juga hewan yang malas, karena mereka suka sekali makan dan tidur.
Plenty of animals in this world, for example the monkey. The monkey could be encountered by us in various Indonesian territories. The monkey could be classed into the family sipanse and gorilla. The monkey liked to eat bananas. The monkey was the mammal. The monkey was herbovora.
The monkey had the form of the body like humankind. As in the case of humankind, the monkey could also go with used second him foot. The human difference with the monkey was, humankind could think before doing, but the monkey “monkey see, monkey do”. The monkey more liked to copy the behaviour of his friend.
Monkey Is clever animals, because they the animal that found it easy to be arranged, so as the monkey could be made entertainment, like the monkey mask and the circus. Many small children who liked him, because of his behaviour, but had also the small child who was frightened of him.
Apart from the clever animal monkey, the monkey also the lazy animal, because they liked very much ate and sleep.