
In the international community, English was one of the keys to success moreover in the globalization era as this time. English become one of key to success because English was an intermediary to communicate with the outside world and also as the international language. Not surprised if now we often encountered with everything that smelled of English, possibly that as one of the methods for us to know the outside world (international) and it’s make we are ready if at one time we really communicated with people from the other Country. Because if we were not ready with the globalization then we would “disappear” cross over by development of period.
Not everyone could understand and speak English, possibly was caused that English had many tenses that must be used in different time. It’s happened also with me when studying English. I often confused if listening the explanation about a form of English. That was possibly caused by anyone had the different method to delivered to other people, so it’s make me difficult to understood. For example, the teacher A explained with Indonesian whereas the teacher B explained with English. However, there is also the pleasure one when learning to speak English. I was very happy to listen to the person who was speaking English with enjoy. And then that person translated it into Indonesia so I become understood what was discussed.
Many students who were afraid to making the mistake when studying English, same happened to me. I was often afraid to studying English, because I did not understand fully that was meant by my teacher and after that I was afraid to asking again. Moreover, it’s also caused too many tenses that must be used in different time, so I was confused to apply it. Nevertheless I continued to try to study English so I have got a course, or ask for helped to the person that was talk English to translate it in Indonesian. And I hoped if explained not only once or twice, but if may be until I know and understood.